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Patient Stories
February 22, 2024
In the fall of 2021, Katie had just begun a new position as a Clinical Social Worker in Tufts Medical Center’s Emergency Department. Less than two months later, Katie’s father Jim drove himself to his local emergency room and was diagnosed with myocarditis, an infection of the heart. While some patients with myocarditis fight off the infection, Jim took a turn for the worse and was transported by ambulance to Tufts MC.
October 23, 2023
There are hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. on organ transplant wait lists. Read Tufts Medical Center's perspective on what you can do to help.
Patient Stories
April 4, 2023
Karen Dolan, a triathlete and a self-described exercise fanatic knew something wasn't right. She experienced shortness of breath and fatigue.
Patient Stories
January 18, 2023
Once barely able to walk and given less than six months to live, Linda DaCosta is alive and thriving years later, thanks to her care at Tufts Medical Center.
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