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Infectious Diseases Fellowship – Research Training

Training in clinical, basic or translational Infectious Diseases research is a major focus of the Division of Geographic Medicine and Infectious Diseases.


We have approximately 25 post-doctoral trainees each year who are supported by National Institutes of Health training programs as well as by federal and private agency funding to individual faculty. Our world-renowned researchers in infectious diseases facilitate the program and conduct ground-breaking research that has had large impacts on the field. Our faculty are also among the top editors of the Clinical Infectious Diseases journal.

The program is structured to train fellows with an MD degree, who have completed at least one year of clinical training in Infectious Diseases, as well as fellows with a PhD or DVM degree who wish to pursue postdoctoral studies.  During the first year of Infectious Diseases fellowship, fellows gain exposure to all the research in the Division through meetings and poster sessions, in order to facilitate the fellow's choice of mentor, mentorship committee and project that is a best fit for the fellow's career goals and aspirations.


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