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Patient Stories
April 22, 2024
Michael is living his life to the fullest after undergoing a liver transplant at Tufts Medical Center. Learn how transplantation has given him the gift of time after decades of liver disease.
Patient Stories
February 22, 2024
In the fall of 2021, Katie had just begun a new position as a Clinical Social Worker in Tufts Medical Center’s Emergency Department. Less than two months later, Katie’s father Jim drove himself to his local emergency room and was diagnosed with myocarditis, an infection of the heart. While some patients with myocarditis fight off the infection, Jim took a turn for the worse and was transported by ambulance to Tufts MC.
Patient Stories
February 1, 2024
John Previti was in pre-op on the day of his kidney transplant when he mentioned that he hoped his sister Denise D’Amelio would soon have a donor as well. Minutes later, in a twist that surprised everyone, John learned his sister was at the Medical Center to receive her kidney transplant that very day.
November 6, 2023
A new, three-year NIH grant will expand Dr. Elizabeth Yen's research and initial pilot study findings about the effects of prenatal opioid exposure in an infant's first year of life.
Patient Stories
October 30, 2023
When her beloved older sister Mary was diagnosed with breast cancer at just 28, Annie Zitzow Galante knew she had to get serious about cancer screenings. She started her annual mammograms at MelroseWakefield Hospital in her twenties and never missed an exam. By the time Annie received a breast cancer diagnosis at 43, her 21-year-old daughter Laura was eager to begin her own mammograms but was deemed too young for insurance to cover them.
Patient Stories
October 19, 2023
When Iwona Bonney, PhD, was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2022 she took the same deliberative and highly-researched approach to her care that she brings to her work as Clinical Research Coordinator in the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine.
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